Friday, December 15, 2006

Search Kindly

I don't know how many of you out there are like me, but I Google everything. Is Grey's Anatomy new tonight? Google. How do I renew my driver's license online? Google. Where do I want to stay when I visit New York City. Google. And magically, Google answers.

Let me introduce you to Search Kindly. The whole point of Search Kindly is to take something that you'd be doing anyway, like surfing the Internet, and turn it into a really meaningful action. All the money generated by Search Kindly is donated to charity. For November and December, all the money they make is going to Invisible Children, an organization committed to ending the war in Northern Uganda where children are forced to fight as soldiers. For fear of being hunted by the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army), these children commute on foot every night to find safe places to sleep in their town centers.

I've started using Search Kindly for all my search needs. Google provides the search engine for Search Kindly, so it's like nothing has changed, except that with each search, I'm making a small difference. (They aren't making a lot of money, so spread the word!) You can even add Search Kindly to the search bar in Firefox and IE7 to make it your default search engine.

Give it a try!

"If you're going to search, why not Search Kindly?"


Syed said...

Hi Jamie,
This is Syed, the founder of Search Kindly. I came across your blog by, you guessed it, googling Search Kindly. (Your blog shows up as the last entry by entering "Search Kindly" and charity.)

I just wanted to thank you for helping to get the word out. And I was also wondering if you had any creative ideas that would help us to increase traffic. Please feel free to contact me at syed@....

Thanks again.

Elisa said...

Thanks for the heads up. I'll use it.