Friday, December 11, 2009

Friday Five

  1. I'm worried about my car. Long story short, an 18-wheeler knocked the driver-side mirror off my car, so I took it to a dealership to replace. And of course they run a complimentary inspection to scare you into spending more money. And of course my card had six things that needed tending to. Several I've been putting off since July, and I'm still putting them off. But it looks like I might have some serious transmission issues. Old car with lots of mileage. No reason to pump lots of money into it. So say a little prayer that it's minor, and I don't need to start looking for a new car. I'm not ready!

  2. One more week of work before the Christmas/PTO break. And some of that time is set aside for work Christmas parties.

  3. Loved this Christmas tree made of Murano glass displayed in Venice!

  4. I keep returning books to the library unfinished. My most recent return was a Pulitzer Prize-winning collection of short stories. I don't do short stories. I try, but I always give up. One of the reasons I love reading is that feeling of being swept away by a story. With a short story, just about the time I'm connecting with the characters and being pulled in, it's over. I know I'm missing out on great stories and writing, but so far I haven't been able to move past my little hang up.

  5. Stealing Janie's verbiage here...Janie and I have become professional concert-goers. Since I moved back to the Metroplex, we've seen U2, Derek Webb, Third Day, Greencards, multiple bands at a bar on Halloween, and tonight, Bruce Robison and Kelly Willis! At the new performing arts center in Dallas.

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