Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Emmy Awards

Best Emmy awards of the night:

Keifer Sutherland (24) for Best Actor in a Drama Series
The Office as Best Comedy Series
24 as Best Drama Series

I really thought Martin Sheen would win for Best Actor-Drama.
How is it that My Name is Early won for Best Directing and Writing-Comedy but wasn't nominated for Best Comedy Series?

I love the Daily Show, but the Colbert Report should have taken one of those awards home.

I loved the musical number by Conan at the beginning. Through the magic of TiVo, I'll probably watch it again.

I watched The Girl in the Cafe on DVD and had no idea it was an HBO movie. It's good, but not your standard Richard Curtis romantic comedy. It was very political.

1 comment:

hejlyeah said...

I totally agree with everything you said! Well, I'm a West Wing freak, so I wish they would have won more. And what's up with Barry Manilow?