Monday, September 11, 2006

24 Season One

I broke down today and bought season 1 of 24. It was on sale for $18.99 at Target! Last time it was on sale for this price, I stood paralyzed in the DVD aisle weighing the pros and cons of buying it. I passed. Not this time. The downside to subscribing to the Target weekly ad via email is that you discover sales you can't pass up. I know all the trappings of sales promotions, and I still let them work. For you Nip/Tuck fans, S1-2 are on sale for $18.99 and so is the first season of Arrested Development. I think S3 of Gilmore Girls is also on sale. Jack looks so young in the first season. Little does he know what heartache awaits him in the next five seasons. And there is no Chloe. She's become such a beloved presence on the show, you forget she wasn't there in the beginning.

The tennis season is more or less over. Shockingly, Roger Federer won the US Open, his third Grand Slam victory of the year. His third consecutive win. The man is too good. Hopefully my boyfriend Nadal can stop his rapid ascent to "best player ever." Not likely.

Recent Happy Thoughts
  • homemade tiramisu
  • Clinique Bonus Time
  • Clinique employees wear white lab coats
  • lazy weekends
  • colorful sunsets
  • the US Open
  • playing tennis for two hours on a Saturday morning
  • resisting the urge to drink a Diet Dr Pepper
  • the smell of roast slow-cooking in the kitchen (this is obviously not my kitchen)
  • rain during a drought
  • "You've always done documentary form, right? Do you not have the imagination to tell a story?" - Stephen Colbert to Morgan Spurlock (Director, Super Size Me)
  • Billie Jean King, and everything she means to tennis and female athletes
  • when I said I made a blonde brownie, Dustin thought I made up a phrase, like "purple orangie" (this man is a doctor-scary)
  • the smell of fresh strawberries


Christina said...

How do I make a picture smaller oh wise one?

Elisa said...

You make home-made tiramisu? Yum!

Jamie said...

My dad made it, but I have the recipe.

Christina said...

Thanks for the picture help although I have no idea how to do what you describe!I'm so happy to be back in the loop again with you to- and I have an easy raost recipe if you ever want to make your own. Do you have a crock-pot?